Willow Lane identified for business expansion
One of Merton Council‘s main economic objectives is to attract businesses and job opportunities to the borough and they have identified Willow Lane trading estate as a key location. The businesses, for their part, are keen that the number of empty units is kept to a minimum, as this can encourage vandalism or, worse still, lead to theft and burglary of the occupied units.
This can bring benefits to both parties and, as a mark of their commitment, they are funding the production of a new website for Willow Lane that will aim to attract businesses to locate here. This will provide the businesses with another marketing opportunity with a business profile being set up for each business, contact information advertised and links to their own website.
The new website will retain its ability for internal communication, not only between Willow BID and the businesses, but also between businesses including promotions aimed at their immediate and potential customers on the estate. To aid the inward investment drive, a new logo and strap line is also being launched and a property available section will be introduced.
For those that are anxious the appropriate image and details are included in their business profile, please contact the Estate Coordinator.