The BID Proposal 2024-2029

BID 2 Proposal 2024 – 29


In May/June 2024, businesses in the Willow Lane Trading Estate will be asked to VOTE to renew the Willow Lane Business Improvement District (BID).
We plan to build on the work undertaken by the Estate Coordinator in the last year and to achieve much more with your support for the BID.

  • The BID has increased reporting of fly-tipping / dumping and removal of abandoned vehicles
  • It has been agreed that monthly monitoring meetings will be held between the local authority and the BID.
  • The BID has agreed meetings with the police to maintain Safer Neighbourhood Meetings and agree a Service Level Agreement
  • The BID has agreed a phased approach with Traffic Consultation to agree parking strategy
  • The BID has agreed a way forward by sharing CCTV access with police and local authority
  • The BID has increased the reporting of estate maintenance
  • The BID will have regular meetings with planning and businesses
  • The BID will help support planning of improvements to the Nature Reserve / Poulter Park / Bennet’s Hole


Improving Public Realm

Recent meetings on the estate, involving the estate coordinator and businesses, revealed a critical issue: a lack of enforcement. While the planned re-installation of yellow lines on Wandle Way following the traffic consultation is a positive step, it will be rendered ineffective without consistent enforcement. This is especially concerning as the previously existing yellow lines on Wandle Way have faded, creating a chaotic parking situation reminiscent of the wild west. Furthermore, the presence of abandoned vehicles on the estate adds to the problem.


Improving Linkages with the Community

This comprises of supporting the development around the Nature Reserve / Poulter Park / Bennet’s Hole. Although, outside the BID area, it is frequented by nearby businesses and staff and is an area of natural beauty.


Safe and Secure

The BID leverages CCTV as a key tool to enhance the security of the area, promoting a safer environment for businesses and visitors.
• Maintenance of 33 existing CCTV cameras
• Provision of 2 ANPR (automatic number plate recognition) cameras
• Share footage with police
• Share footage with local authority
• Expand CCTV operation to cover any gaps
• Agreed mechanism in place to share CCTV with larger businesses CCTV teams
• Investigate tendering CCTV system to a third party to cover operations



This is an important area and covers the following: Parking strategy; Bus route; Mitcham Junction; Mitcham Tram Stop and links with having Safer Streets.


Promoting Business and Trading Conditions

Developing a Willow Lane Offer
Following a comprehensive clean-up of the estate, a collaborative marketing effort will be launched in partnership with the Council. This will involve engaging key stakeholders, including ratepayers, landowners, freeholders, estate agents, and BID supporters, through a series of Zoom meetings.

Supporting partner organisations
Such as Merton Chamber and identifying how they can best benefit businesses on the estate.

To optimize the visitor experience and support business growth, a consultation exercise is needed to develop clear and effective estate signage that aligns with the agreed wayfinding strategy.




Make your vote count!

27 June 2024 at 5.00pm



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