A resounding YES vote for BID2
Press Release
Willow Lane Business Improvement District successful renewal ballot
Friday, 28th March 2014
The Willow Lane Business Improvement District (BID) is delighted to announce that the Willow Lane estate businesses have overwhelmingly voted in favour of a second term for Willow BID.
The Willow BID 2 achieved a majority vote in both numerical and rateable value. 157 businesses within the BID area cast their votes during a four week ballot which ran from 28th February to 27th March, which translates to a 90.45% majority vote numerically, and a 92.16% vote in favour by rateable value.
The Willow BID board would like to thank all the businesses and individuals on the estate that have brought this second term of the BID into reality. Jim Trotter, Chair of Willow BID, said: “It’s a marvellous result for the businesses and the future commercial trading environment of the estate. While great strides have been made in the first five years we can now roll out further improvements already in the pipeline. We are all aware of issues to be addressed and the ongoing work that is needed to continue and grow the success of the estate.”
In the first term, the Willow BID has had many celebrated achievements, among them;
· the area is now free of major crime through the improvements made to security on the estate;
· implementation of a new wayfinding project so that the estate is now properly signed,
· has attracted over £87,000 of additional investment from public sector grants,
· rebranded the BID company and launched a new website
· successfully lobbied to get the Willow bridge reopened after an 8 year closure
The strategic priorities and projects for the second term include:
· Security – the continuation and expansion of the CCTV;
· Represented and Supported – advocating and furthering the interests of the estate’s business community;
· Accessible and Attractive – maintenance of new signage, lobbying for improvements to maintenance, parking and road safety
In addition, as part of the BID services to business, the Council signs up to a baseline agreement of services where the Council undertakes to provide a level of service including activities relating to the cleanliness of the estate, and the BID will seek to enforce these levels of service.
Willow BID is looking forward to continue its productive working partnerships with key stakeholders including London Borough of Merton, the Metropolitan Police, Transport for London, Merton Chamber of Commerce and other key service providers.