Press Release
3rd April 2014

The Willow Lane Industrial Estate is leading the way with a new Wayfinding Scheme which was officially launched, along with the opening of the Willow Lane Bridge, on Friday 14th March with over 75 people in attendance.

After a successful bid to Transport for London’s BIDS4BIDS scheme, Willow Lane BID was awarded substantial funding to allow them to complete the project in conjunction with additional funding provided by London Borough of Merton.

TfL’s Business Engagement Project Manager, Steve Macey, said: “This is the first time that Transport for London (TfL) has been a partner in a freight wayfinding scheme of this type, and we’ve been really pleased to work in partnership with Willow BID and the business community. We are confident that the new signage will be a real benefit for those drivers, customers and visitors coming to the estate for the first time. Equally important from a business perspective is that the wayfinding will play a part in ensuring deliveries are made on time, and help promote a safer working environment for all. The improvements you have seen today are the first of many schemes and changes we will see across London, through partnership working with BIDs and businesses. I want to congratulate Willow BID for leading the way in this.”

Jonathan Docksey, Design JD, conducted a study in 2012 to establish the navigational issues the estate faced, and provide a clear vision for completing a wayfinding project. “This was with the focus of making the estate welcoming, easy to navigate as well as a place where businesses want to locate themselves and where visitors enjoy doing business.”

The wayfinding scheme that was developed was aimed at ensuring the users of the estate could find their destination quickly as well as promoting the use of public and sustainable transport. “To do this, 5 zones were created with different colours and letters so they are easy to identify and locate. The estate is clearly defined at the entrance with a new 6m monolith and new pedestrian signs and finger posts have also been installed to assist customers and visitors.”

The new wayfinding scheme also incorporates new branding for Willow BID, who launched their new look with a new website and logo, funded by London Borough of Merton. “In our first BID term, we have managed to raise an additional £80,000 in funding to support these vital projects to the estate” said BID Co-ordinator, Graham Willins. “This funding has addressed the most vital issues to the businesses we represent, one of which was the navigation and signage on the estate. Through collaboration with TfL, London Borough of Merton and local suppliers, we are delighted to be launching our new brand, the Wayfinding Scheme and our new website.”

The wayfinding is complimented by the BID’s new website where the businesses can have their own free personalised map that indicates the colour zone the businesses are in and their precise location on the estate.

Notes to editors

1. Images available on request.
2. The Willow Lane Estate is the largest trading estate in the borough of Merton.
3. Willow BID, the business improvement district for the Willow Lane estate, has been in operation since June 2009 and has just had a successful renewal ballot in March 2014 to extend the BID for a further five years, to June 2019.
4. There are 250 businesses on the Willow Lane estate, employing approx 2500 people.

Press Contact: Tracy Francis – 07973 987779 –
Willow BID Contact: Graham Willins – 07736 338051
Willow BID Ltd.
Connect House, 21 Willow Lane, Mitcham, Surrey CR4 4NA
Telephone 020 8274 3323 Email Website